Audi Brussels: this is who we are, pleased to meet you
An aerial picture of the resting zone

This is us

Pleased to meet you, we are Audi Brussels

Audi Brussels is more than just a factory. Over the years, we have become a fixed value in the Belgian capital. A warm, open and diverse family with a rich history, our own way of doing things and a special mission: to lead the way in e-mobility and sustainability with premium 100% electric cars.

What we stand for

Under the global Audi slogan “Vorsprung 2030”, Audi Brussels is also fully committed to the future. The ultimate goal that connects us: to keep the world moving with meaningful technology. Together, we want to be the leading experts that take electric cars and e-mobility to new heights.


The driving force of our strategy? Our people and culture, as well as operational excellence and financial performance. In short: as a company, you can only make progress with a close-knit team that works together according to the right processes and with a view to profitable growth.

Two people with Audi jackets are walking along a path surrounded on both sides by leaves.

1. Sustainable and responsible

Audi Brussels is the first Audi factory in the world to achieve CO₂-neutral production. We use renewable energy sources for some 95% of our production. We compensate the remaining 5% with environmental projects. By engaging in responsible business practices, we contribute to the environment and society.

A worker working on the battery pack

2. Integrity

Economic success and corporate social responsibility are closely linked. That is why we actively promote a culture of honest leadership, cooperation, openness and individual responsibility.

Robots delivering the transmission

3. Innovation and quality

The sense of perfection is in our DNA. Together, we continuously improve our processes, products and services. The Audi Brussels Ideas Programme is crucial in this regard: everyone has the opportunity to share ideas to optimise our operations, reduce costs and strengthen our competitive position.

2 workers working on the engine and transmission system

4. Unity through diversity

Audi Brussels is like Brussels itself: a melting pot of cultures, languages, generations, genders, orientations, competences, … We see this as an asset for more creativity, innovation, dynamics and thus the success of our entire company. In short, we live diversity every day.

A worker on the assembly line working on the rear windows

5. Rightfully proud

3D printers, artificial intelligence, robots, big data... Our engineers and technicians work every day with the most innovative tools and state-of-the-art technology. At Audi Brussels, we are passionate about being a smart factory, ready for the future. And that’s something of which we can - no, must - be proud!

An Audi team meeting

6. We > me

Through targeted training courses and an innovative working environment, everyone at Audi Brussels is given the opportunity to further develop themselves. Although that doesn’t happen in a flash. We grow and learn, and we do so with and for each other. So that everyone benefits.

An Audi team meeting

7. Trust

Keeping our promises and building trust is crucial for our customers, shareholders, business partners and corporate culture - all of them driving forces behind our e-tron models. How do we promote this? With our T4I (Together for Integrity) initiative and by encouraging honest conversations between managers and teams.

A black car on a track

The latest news from Audi Brussels

At Audi Brussels, our people make the news. Day in and day out, they support high-profile projects and leading activities. You can read the latest innovations, developments and stories from our factory here.