Compliance and Integrity | Audi Brussels

Compliance and Integrity at Audi Brussels

The elements of compliance and integrity are firmly anchored in our strategy and culture. They are the basis of our actions at Audi Brussels. Our aim is to make decisions in accordance with the relevant laws, internal regulations, and values. In order to implement compliance and integrity at Audi effectively and for the long term, we use a Compliance Management System (CMS) that adheres to internationally recognized standards. It represents the principles, measures, processes, and structures that must be permanently established and continuously improved in order to comply with laws and counteract systematic misconduct. Audi Brussels is also part of the Group-wide compliance and integrity program Together4Integrity (T4I) from Volkswagen. The aim of this initiative is to anchor integrity as an inherent part of our corporate culture and to thereby strengthen the trust of the employees, customers, business partners, and the public in the company.

T4I: Together 4 Integrity

Launched by Volkswagen Group, T4I is one of the largest strategic transformation programme in our history. It plays a central role in achieving our goal of becoming an example of integrity and compliance. With T4I, we aim to embed a new culture into our organisation's DNA. Not just here at Audi Brussels, but all around the world.

Together4Integrity Graphic

As illustrated in the diagram, T4I rests on five core principles which are interlinked in equal measure: strategy, integrity culture, accountability, risk management, and an open environment. These are our top priorities and form an integral part of the business at Audi Brussels.

Our Code of Conduct

Acting with integrity and compliance is of paramount importance at Audi Brussels, as it is crucial to our success. In addition to compliance with laws, regulations and internal rules, the emphasis on ethical values is one of our key principles.

The Audi Brussels Code of Conduct is derived from Volkswagen’s group-wide Code of Conduct. It’s a key tool for reinforcing our awareness of good and law-abiding behaviour as well as our responsibilities towards our business partners, workplace and society. It applies to everyone working at Audi Brussels, regardless of department or hierarchy, and plays an important role in ensuring that each individual behaves accordingly.

What do we value Text

Code of Conduct for business partners

The Code of Conduct for Business Partners describes what we expect from our partners.

Please visit the ONE.Konzern Business Plattform (ONE.KBP) for the sustainability requirements of Audi Brussels.

Our Whistleblower System

Our whistleblower system provides both internal and external reporting channels for individuals who wish to submit information regarding statutory and regulatory violations.

Human rights

We are committed to our corporate responsibility to uphold human rights and, in doing so, take guidance from the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. In terms of content, they refer to the general explanation of human rights (codified in the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights), the OECD Guidelines for multinational companies and the core labor standards of the International Labor Organization (ILO) in particular.
As part of the Compliance Management System, Compliance bears central responsibility for the topic of business and human rights and maintains a continuous exchange with various functions, specialist areas and Group coordination. Responsible supply chain management should also be noted as a fundamental element for upholding human rights in cooperation with suppliers.
We have anchored our understanding of the basic aspects of business and human rights in both the Audi Code of Conduct and internal policies and have phrased our expectations for employees and business partners in the following documents, for example: